教友的醫院牧靈職務 劉勝利
醫院牧靈職務多彩多姿,充滿自我挑戰。醫院中所見、所聞、所面臨的,是人生縮影:生、老、病、死赤裸裸呈現眼前。看盡了眾生相,嚐盡了人情冷暖,你會有無限的感慨。 面對生命的悲、歡、離、合,人就會怠到無奈,孤獨和有限。「出生時,一人哭眾人笑;病痛時,一人苦眾人愁;嚥氣時,一人走眾人哭。」面對這有灰暗失落面、也有陽光成就面的工作,除非有宗教自省能力的調和、信仰力量的支撐、生命活水源頭的滋潤,否則不容易持久。
面對十六年醫院牧靈工作的挑戰,我有很深的體驗和信,就是耶穌所說:「我來是為他們獲得生命,且獲得更豐富的生命。」(若十10)。基於這樣的體驗,醫院牧靈職務成了「受傷的蘆葦,我不折斷;將熄的燈心,我不吹熄。我要忠實的傳佈真道,也不沮喪,也不失望,直到他在地上奠定了真道。」(依四三3-4)。有這樣的信念,才能懷有「失落的,我要尋找;迷路的,我要領回;受傷的,我要包紮;病弱的,我要療養。」(則卅四16);也才有力量實現「我餓了,你們給我吃的;我渴了,你們給喝的;我作客,我們收留了我;我赤身肉體,你們給了我穿的;我患病,你們看顧了我」(瑪廿五35-36)的心懷,來服侍這些最小兄弟。 「我來是為使他們獲得生命,且獲得更豐富的生命。」(若十10)醫院牧靈工作者,像耶穌一樣常懷著這分使命,才能和耶穌一樣降生病人中間,為病人洗腳、觸摸病人、撫慰病人。也因有這樣情懷,才能救贖苦難眾生,在服務祭獻的祈禱中成聖自己、聖化醫院,使醫院充滿福音的氣息。
各醫院的規模、工作取向及認知各有不同,我只能簡介我們的醫院一天主教若瑟醫院。它座落雲林縣虎尾鎮新生路74號,是地區教學醫院,總病床365,員工466位,教友67人,佔七分之一。承擔專業牧靈職務有三人,全是教友,二位來自台灣天主教牧靈研習所,一位來自輔仁大學神學院。蒹職牧靈工作有三人,二位神父,一位修女。 十六年來的醫院牧靈職務,工作分二大類,一是常態性工作,十是非常態性工作。
c.編寫醫院擴建計畫書、協調地方人士、政府單位來促成本院之擴建。預計五年計畫完成後,本院將由原來的365床增加到755床。 以上的醫院牧靈工作,多采多姿、極富挑戰,使醫院牧靈人員必須有全方位學習的心,像八爪章魚般吸收新知,千手觀音似的為人解難排危,最重要的是醫院牧靈工作的終極關懷,培養我們有宏觀的心胸、前瞻的視野,豐富的靈性生命。這是上主所祝福的志業,歡迎您來加入。
1.不是責任而是使命:責任由外面入,要背負,很累,又有壓力、痛苦、威脅感,心態是苦悶的,快樂不起來,壓抑久了會爆發傷人。 使命則由內而外產生動力,就如聖保祿宗徒所說:「因為基督的愛催迫著我們,故我生活已不是我生活,是基督在我內生活。」(格後五14-15)有這股愛的使命催迫,工作心態積極、喜悅、無怨無悔,往前面的標竿奔跑,來打這埸好仗,以奪取那永恆的冠冕(弟後四6-9)。我們蒙召的使命是:「我來是為使他們獲得生命,且獲得更豐富的生命。」(若十10)
現在是資訊爆發的時代,教友的知識水準及專業才能都很高,對神學探討的本領也不差,只要教會願意普遍性給予教友進修機會,不斷地培育教友,使他們對神學、教義、禮儀、靈修等的素質不斷提升,這對教會來說是有百利而無一害的。 期望教會不再保留中世「官僚文化」的惡習,對教友行「愚民政策」,而能不斷反省革新,回到初期教會所有的原始福音精神,給予教友參與教會職務的機會,他們的貢獻會使教會壯大,教會會因教友的不斷投入而延續,這就是宗徒大事錄所描繪的初期教會欣欣向榮的根本緣由。希望在台灣的中國主教團也能覺醒,賦予教友多一點正式牧靈職務的職責。 改變是一件痛苦的事,但時代在變,社會在變,民智也在變。教會面對這樣的變動,必需培養出嶄新的觀念、前瞻的眼光和創舉;就如耶穌所說:「沒有人把新酒裝在舊皮囊裡,而是新酒應裝在新皮囊裡。」(谷二22)面對變動的時代,還要不斷培養寬宏的心胸和氣度:「沒有人將未漂過的布補在舊衣服上的。」(谷二22)而且在新舊觀念的挑戰中,要不斷地檢討、改進,「不然,補上的那塊新布要扯裂了,舊的破綻就要更加壞了。」(谷二23) 面對這樣的改變和挑戰,願用耶穌的話來相互勉勵:「你們小小羊群,不要害怕,因為你們的父喜歡把天國賜給你們。」(路十二32)最後讓我以這首小對聯來與從事教會牧靈職務的教友互勉:「生活原是基督,死亡乃是利益」(斐一21)因為﹕ 勝在耶穌基督內得永生 利於天主子民間享平安
Some updates
Dear all,
It has been quite some time since I last updated you all on the progress of the Commission.
Mr Dominic Cheung has been appointed by the Catholic Diocese of HK to be Commission's advisor. Mr Cheung's prior contribution in this field was immense. His joining as our advisor is greatly welcomed by the Commission. Let me extend to him our sincere thanks for his future participation.
Hospital Authority has been playing music chair for some of the HCE posts. The new HCE at Caritas Medical Centre is Dr Ma Hok Cheung. He previously worked in Ruttonjee Hospital and is known to be a very nice person. We look forward to working closely with him in CMC. There are other new HCE's at different hospitals but I am not going to mention it here.
Our 3 supervisors/SIT held a meeting with Winnie the other day. They are now working on a directive for future training developments. This directive will be screened by the Commission before its becoming effective. They will sit down, maybe, once a month to review and update the training scheme and fine tune to avoid pitfalls.
I am sure all of you enjoyed Dr. Gilman's seminar. Though I did not stay long, it was very interesting indeed. The Commission is now considering the possibility of inviting Dr Gilman to run a CPE in HK. This will certainly be an interesting experience for all of us.
As for our long awaited Liturgy Handbook, Rev. Thomas Law has kindly agreed to review the handbook ASAP. However, it might still take some time for there is quite a bit of correction required.
We will be seeing each other on several occasions in August. Firstly, there is the Strategic Planning Workshop. Then there will be the outing and visits on 23 August. See you all then!
It has been quite some time since I last updated you all on the progress of the Commission.
Mr Dominic Cheung has been appointed by the Catholic Diocese of HK to be Commission's advisor. Mr Cheung's prior contribution in this field was immense. His joining as our advisor is greatly welcomed by the Commission. Let me extend to him our sincere thanks for his future participation.
Hospital Authority has been playing music chair for some of the HCE posts. The new HCE at Caritas Medical Centre is Dr Ma Hok Cheung. He previously worked in Ruttonjee Hospital and is known to be a very nice person. We look forward to working closely with him in CMC. There are other new HCE's at different hospitals but I am not going to mention it here.
Our 3 supervisors/SIT held a meeting with Winnie the other day. They are now working on a directive for future training developments. This directive will be screened by the Commission before its becoming effective. They will sit down, maybe, once a month to review and update the training scheme and fine tune to avoid pitfalls.
I am sure all of you enjoyed Dr. Gilman's seminar. Though I did not stay long, it was very interesting indeed. The Commission is now considering the possibility of inviting Dr Gilman to run a CPE in HK. This will certainly be an interesting experience for all of us.
As for our long awaited Liturgy Handbook, Rev. Thomas Law has kindly agreed to review the handbook ASAP. However, it might still take some time for there is quite a bit of correction required.
We will be seeing each other on several occasions in August. Firstly, there is the Strategic Planning Workshop. Then there will be the outing and visits on 23 August. See you all then!
CMC 的 HCE 由本來在 Ruttonjee Hospital 工作的馬學章醫生接任, 希望我們跟醫管局的行政部門能夠如常合作, 或更進一步。各大醫院也有 HCE 的變動,我不在此提了。
我們三位 superviors/SIT 跟 Winnie 開了一次會議。 她們會為未來的 training 設下大綱。 委員會會審核然後才實行。她們會從今起大約一個月開一次會跟進發展。
Dr. John Gilman 的研討班相信大家都覺得有用和有幫助。委員會正考慮跟 Dr. Gilman 討論他來香港主持一次 CPE的可能性。相信這會是一次有趣的經驗。
關於委員會的禮儀手冊, 羅國輝神父以承諾會盡快處理。 但還是需要一點時間,因為要更改的部份頗多。
我們將會在8月有多次見面的機會。 先有 Strategic Planning Workshop. 跟隨在八月二十三日的旅行/朝聖。到時見!
CMC 的 HCE 由本來在 Ruttonjee Hospital 工作的馬學章醫生接任, 希望我們跟醫管局的行政部門能夠如常合作, 或更進一步。各大醫院也有 HCE 的變動,我不在此提了。
我們三位 superviors/SIT 跟 Winnie 開了一次會議。 她們會為未來的 training 設下大綱。 委員會會審核然後才實行。她們會從今起大約一個月開一次會跟進發展。
Dr. John Gilman 的研討班相信大家都覺得有用和有幫助。委員會正考慮跟 Dr. Gilman 討論他來香港主持一次 CPE的可能性。相信這會是一次有趣的經驗。
關於委員會的禮儀手冊, 羅國輝神父以承諾會盡快處理。 但還是需要一點時間,因為要更改的部份頗多。
我們將會在8月有多次見面的機會。 先有 Strategic Planning Workshop. 跟隨在八月二十三日的旅行/朝聖。到時見!
Healthcare Reform submission
12th June 2008.
Dr York Chow, SBS, JP,
Secretary for Food and Health
Food and Health Bureau19/F Murray BuildingGarden Road, Central,
Hong Kong.
Dear Dr. Chow,
Re: Healthcare Reform
The Diocesan Commission of Hospital Pastoral Care works directly under the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. Our budget comes from the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong and donations from the general public. We currently employ full time staff to work at public hospitals (we cover almost all of them) in Hong Kong and incur almost no cost to the government. Our staffs and volunteers work at the frontline of patient care looking after the spiritual need for all patients (Catholic and non-Catholic), their families and healthcare professionals.
It is our responsibility to participate in the latest Healthcare Reform discussion to offer an additional view on the healthcare services.
It was mentioned in the consultative paper that Healthcare Reform is needed because the population is aging. It was also mentioned that holistic primary care is desired. Spiritual care is an important part of holistic care (as recognized by the WHO) and formal recognition in the healthcare system in Hong Kong is lacking. Spiritual care for the aging population is even of greater importance for they are often alone to face diseases and has little social support.
The present worries are:
1. No official recognition of spiritual services as a department and thus our staff cannot cooperate on a formal level with clinical departments to enhance patient care;
2. Future financing options, if insurance schemes are chosen, will overlook the importance of services to terminally ill patients who’s spiritual need are probably greater than physical treatments
3. Future healthcare developments will further dehumanize patients and spiritual care ignored as it would not (probably never) be revenue generating
4. How social services is going to be differentiated from medical care as this is often grey in elderly care;
We suggest the following:
1. Spiritual services should be particularly mentioned in future consultative papers to recognize its importance;
2. There should be spiritual care services representative(s) in the membership of Health and Medical Development Advisory Committees or other workgroups;
3. Part of the budget should go into the funding of development in spiritual services;
4. Hospital Authority or any future governing bodies should help facilitate the work of spiritual care providing organizations in either the hospital environment or in the community (not leaving it to the understanding of individual administrator);
5. Future financing scheme should allow patients to the use of spiritual services.
We look forward to future co-operations with the Food and Health Bureau on all aspects of healthcare developments.
In Chirst,
Dr. Tsang Hing Lim Kenneth
Catholic Diocesan Commission of Hospital Pastoral Care
Dr York Chow, SBS, JP,
Secretary for Food and Health
Food and Health Bureau19/F Murray BuildingGarden Road, Central,
Hong Kong.
Dear Dr. Chow,
Re: Healthcare Reform
The Diocesan Commission of Hospital Pastoral Care works directly under the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. Our budget comes from the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong and donations from the general public. We currently employ full time staff to work at public hospitals (we cover almost all of them) in Hong Kong and incur almost no cost to the government. Our staffs and volunteers work at the frontline of patient care looking after the spiritual need for all patients (Catholic and non-Catholic), their families and healthcare professionals.
It is our responsibility to participate in the latest Healthcare Reform discussion to offer an additional view on the healthcare services.
It was mentioned in the consultative paper that Healthcare Reform is needed because the population is aging. It was also mentioned that holistic primary care is desired. Spiritual care is an important part of holistic care (as recognized by the WHO) and formal recognition in the healthcare system in Hong Kong is lacking. Spiritual care for the aging population is even of greater importance for they are often alone to face diseases and has little social support.
The present worries are:
1. No official recognition of spiritual services as a department and thus our staff cannot cooperate on a formal level with clinical departments to enhance patient care;
2. Future financing options, if insurance schemes are chosen, will overlook the importance of services to terminally ill patients who’s spiritual need are probably greater than physical treatments
3. Future healthcare developments will further dehumanize patients and spiritual care ignored as it would not (probably never) be revenue generating
4. How social services is going to be differentiated from medical care as this is often grey in elderly care;
We suggest the following:
1. Spiritual services should be particularly mentioned in future consultative papers to recognize its importance;
2. There should be spiritual care services representative(s) in the membership of Health and Medical Development Advisory Committees or other workgroups;
3. Part of the budget should go into the funding of development in spiritual services;
4. Hospital Authority or any future governing bodies should help facilitate the work of spiritual care providing organizations in either the hospital environment or in the community (not leaving it to the understanding of individual administrator);
5. Future financing scheme should allow patients to the use of spiritual services.
We look forward to future co-operations with the Food and Health Bureau on all aspects of healthcare developments.
In Chirst,
Dr. Tsang Hing Lim Kenneth
Catholic Diocesan Commission of Hospital Pastoral Care
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